Your rent starts on the date you sign your tenancy agreement and is due to be paid in advance. It is your responsibility to ensure that your rent payments are paid on time.
The rent you pay provides the income which is required to provide a range of services we provide you with, such as:-
Every year Forgewood Housing Co-operative consults with our tenants on the proposed level of rent increase for the following year.
It is very important that we understand what matters to you, our tenants, when it comes to how we invest in your homes and in the housing services we deliver to you.
We need to find the right balance between affordable rents and the need to maintain our services and continue investment in our homes.
The “Paying Your Rent & Ways To Pay” leaflet provides you with information on rent payment methods, how we can help support you and details of access to our Income/Money Advisor via our AFTAR Project with Citizens Advice Bureau.
Forgewood Housing Co-operative Limited © All Rights Reserved
Forgewood Housing Co-operative Ltd is a recognised Scottish Charity. Registered in Scotland No: SC045344