Rent Increase

Every year we review our rent charge in line with our Business Plan projections and budgets for the next financial year. The Co-operative looks at the money spent over the past year and calculates how much we need to invest in our homes and run our services for the coming year while making sure our rents remain affordable.

The Co-operative must set our budgets each year to ensure that we remain financially viable in the short and longer term and continue to provide the best standard of service we can for our tenants.

We want our rents to remain affordable and are therefore trying to keep our rent increase as low as we can while ensuring we invest in your homes to keep them in good condition.

This makes it especially critical that we find the right balance between affordable rents and the need to maintain our services and continue investment in our homes.

We consult with our tenants when rent increases are proposed, and the Co-operative will take into account the views expressed.

Your feedback during the consultation is important to us and your views on rent will help us to balance keeping rents affordable, with having enough money to spend on improving homes and services for the future.

Rent increases are applied on an annual basis and you will be given at least 28 days notice of any increase.

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Forgewood Housing Co-operative Limited © All Rights Reserved

Forgewood Housing Co-operative Ltd is a recognised Scottish Charity. Registered in Scotland No: SC045344